In this example i will describe how to use Laravel pagination to get infinite scroll effect in Angular using ngInfiniteScroll
On Angular side, this is needed:
1. install ngInfiniteScroll
2. include it in model
On Angular side, this is needed:
1. install ngInfiniteScroll
2. include it in model
var app = angular.module('MyApp', ['infinite-scroll'])
3. create service for calling the pagination on Laravel side (yes we will use pagination in this case)
<script> app.service('infiniteScrollList',['$resource','RESOURCES','$localStorage', function($resource,RESOURCES,$localStorage){ var infiniteScrollList = function() { this.items = []; this.busy = false; = 1; this.last_page=1; // set the last page - default = 1 }; infiniteScrollList.prototype.nextPage = function() { if (this.busy) return; this.busy = true; //if requested page is greater then last page don't do nothing - do not make call to backend if( <= this.last_page){ //select different page if user is logged in/out if( typeof $localStorage.logged_in != "undefined" ){ var codeList = $resource(RESOURCES.API+'code?page='; }else{ var codeList = $resource(RESOURCES.PUBLIC+'list?page='; } // make the call to API codeList.get().$promise.then(function(response) { //return response.message; var items =; // set the last page based on Laravel response this.last_page = response.last_page; // push new items to all items array for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { this.items.push(items[i]); }; this.busy = false; }.bind(this)); } }; return infiniteScrollList; }]); </script>
4. Include this service in controller and use it
$scope.snippets = new infiniteScrollList();
or if you are using resolve feature it can be used there as well:
<script> resolve:{ resListSnippets: ['infiniteScrollList', function(infiniteScrollList){ var initiateScroll = new infiniteScrollList(); return initiateScroll; }] }, ... </script>
and in cntroller we have to include resolver and set scroll data
app.controller('ListCtrl', ['$scope', 'resListSnippets', function($scope,resListSnippets) { $scope.snippets = resListSnippets; ...
HTML structure
When calling infiniteScroll we have to define parent container
and set infinite-scroll-parent atribute as well
<html><body> <md-content id="scroll-container"> <div infinite-scroll="snippets.nextPage()" infinite-scroll-container="'#scroll-container'" infinite-scroll-parent> <div ng-repeat="item in snippets.items"> <!-- ... loop over items --> </div><!-- close ng repeat --> </div><!-- close infinite scroll --> </md-content> <!-- scroll Material content block --> </body></html>
NOTE: in this example we are using Angular Material Design but it can be applied on div element as well
On Laravel side we have to return paginated object from controller
<?php use Response; use App\Http\Requests; public function getList(Request $request){ $snippets = Snippet::paginate(3); // select only 3 elements return Response::json($snippets,200)->setCallback($request->callback); } ?>
More info about Laravel pagination can be found here:
And we are done!